Valid passport with an expiration date not less than 6 months.
Travel itinerary (rounded trip).
Proof of legal status in Canada (if not Canadian).
Visa application completed in full and signed in original by applicant.
Proof of sufficient funds, copy of a credit card and bank statement.
Letter of invitation from the host organization or business in Argentina (format letter suggested click here) inviting the applicant and confirming the purpose of your trip, duration of the visit, full name, addresses and telephone numbers of all businesses and persons you will contact in Argentina. The letter must be written in Spanish, on organization/company letter-head paper and duly signed by the person in charge and certified by an Argentine Notary Public and then by the "Colegio de Escribanos"
Important: The signature of the authority of the company or inviting organization in Argentina must be registered at the "Registro Nacional Unico de Requirentes de Extranjeros", of the "Direccion Nacional de Migraciones" (Immigration Authority), according to the provisions of the "Disposicion DNM 54.618/2008".
The company or agency inviting foreign citizens to Argentina, in the invitation should indicate the registration number of the company or agency in the RENURE or the card number of the legal representative, in order to see if enabled or not by RENURE.
Companies or organizations in Argentina that are not registered at the RENURE must contact the RENURE at the following contact phone: 4317-0200/0303/0263.
If the applicant is going to a Trade Fair or exhibition, he must accredit the inscription on the fair or exhibition to which is going to attend.
Original Corporate/organization letter from Canada, in English and Spanish, addressed to the Consul General of Argentina. Business Letter Format suggested. This document must be certified by a Notary Public. If you own the business, please add a copy of your business’ official registration.